Thursday, 12 July 2007

I haven't told her

Here is ex-goon, Peter Sellers with a tune that he strums on his Ukulele in a positive and engaging style. This one is for Ron Bookless of Monocassette fame and Michael of Boot Sale sounds.

I Haven't Told Her, She Hasn't Told Me.mp3


MonoCassette said...

Classic stuff, Al. Do you know where this recording is from?

Big Al Davies said...

It is on a compilation I have but it only says 1999 on the disc.

Wastedpapiers said...

Great stuff. I found that comp. recently at boot sale. I have another recording of it dubbed from You Tube clip of pete on Parkinson show some years back who sings this during an interview.

Wastedpapiers said...

Here it is-