This is an mp3 of a local Welsh Trad Jazz band calld the Acme Jazz Band, they played in the South Wales area and also played at festivals like the one at Bude every year. We came across them on a Monday night at the Tredegar Arms in Basseleg, I took my minidisc along one evening and recorded them with my microphone by my side very carefully, if anyone attached to the band wants a copy then just get in touch and I'll send them one. Unfortunately the pub tidied itself up and stopped the Jazz at some point and they were harder to find afterwards. I read recently that the Trombone player and singer Bob Gribble died a couple of years ago, he had a great growling voice and played from the heart. I like it that this music that was the biggest thing in the UK before the Beatles still continues today. It doesn't mean a lot to my generation but through the Bonzo Dog band I still have a real soft spot for it.
The Acme Jazz Band - Home.mp3